

It's exactly been 2 years since my last post . And so, I've decided to do an update. Yes, I'm still ali ve :) I got tired of writing. It' ll t ake me some t ime to complete one article haha. Good thing, there’s Instagram. I could say, i t’s my cup of tea. With a good picture and a caption, whoosh, posted! My theme is Food, Travel and Potpourri. Visit my Instagram account @lifeisajoni .

Surigao del Sur

I never thought Surigao del Sur possesses hidden wonders. I have to say that it was underrated until the Department of Tourism and some travel agencies did something to promote its natural wonders. We went there last June 2010  with my closest friends Vem, In-in and Yen. (They actually don't know each other.) The trip was organized by a tour operator. It was of great advantage because we don't have to plan everything. I suggest you'll do the same. We left Davao City around 1:00AM. After almost 6 hours of travel, we arrived to our first destination, the  Enchanted River . First impression, "Is this for real? I mean those photos posted online were really true?" Yes, my eyes saw it and it was incredibly true! We did a lot of activities in the area. Aside from plunging into this deep-blue marvel, we also had a boat tour to the nearby sea. It's interesting to know that we're actually paddling in an area where freshwater and saltwater meet.

Kopiat Island

I only know 2 islands in Compostela Valley province---one is Pindasan and the other is Kopiat . Although both are highly treasured and protected by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources , the former is less famous because it is a mangrove wilderness while the latter brags its long stretch of white sand and crystal-clear water, thus making it more recognized by many. Kopiat is an inhabited island, as far as I know. That means no electricity, no daytime vendors. Considerably unspoiled, the island has been a favorite site for diving, picnic and relaxation. I had a chance to visit the island with my college friends two years after our graduation. Since there's no accommodation in the island, we stayed at the nearby resort,  Bern Berioso II . We reserved the island tour for the next day. That night, we spent our time catching up with each other. Early morning, we hired a boatman to ferry us around the island. While waiting for the boa

Mt. Dulang-Dulang

I never thought that my ascent to the country's highest mountain was something to be followed. And this time, the second highest--- Mt. Dulang-dulang ! Part of Kitanglad Range , this mountain is considered sacred by the natives. It is believed to be inhabited by spiritual beings thus due respect must be rendered by those who want to behold its beauty. Our team was composed of almost the same people. One thing that changed, though, was my travel buddy. Vem was already working in Cebu. Fortunately, I found a new one. Introducing In-in ! Although they are somehow different but both girls love adventures and nature escapade, not to mention that they're both beautiful. Therefore, it's totally not a big deal and I knew that we'll surely gel well. Since it was my second time, I was quite confident of myself. Like my Mt. Apo climb, I never did exercises or any physical preparations, hah a. Although I'm not an athletic person but I can say that my