Maco Falls

Lush vegetation.
Who would've thought that with just few miles away from the town proper of Maco, you can find a place perfect for nature adventure! Unknown to many, even to some locals, an interesting body of water lies within the mountain's lush vegetation. The multi-tiered river that runs through several pool-like rock formation is an interesting place to discover. Added to it is a waterfall with a natural slide. The rock is so smooth that you don't have to worry about your shorts being tattered.

Right now, the place is not yet developed for tourists. Only those who know the area can enjoy it. Actually, the place was only suggested to us by a friend upon hearing us talking about our next summer destination. Although it is undoubtedly refreshing, I don't recommend anyone to go there without a guide. At least one of you is recognized by the locals for security reasons.

We hired a motorcycle to take us there. With us were food good enough for the whole day. All cooked and ready to eat.

We were advised to refrain from making fire. Shouting and speaking aloud is also highly discouraged. But no, it's not as scary as you might be thinking, I tell you.

Our ride was up to a certain waiting shed only. The rest of the trail should be taken by foot. It was a long walk but not totally draining. Despite the heat of the sun, the tall trees around gave us shade and fresh air that we didn't even notice we had arrived. We camped under the trees next to the falls. Then it was time to splash!

We didn't stay too long in the area. We asked the drivers to pick us up by 3PM. It's not advisable to remain until dusk because there's no electricity. Besides, roads are rough and requires crossing a river several times. Good thing it didn't rain that day or else we'll be stranded.

If someone will ask me to return, maybe I'll pass. Not because it's hard to travel and requires a level of security. In life, there are experiences that once is already enough especially going to a place where not all people can go.


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